Ok, let's admit it. We all knew Walmart wasn't the only bad guy store in the world. But it's sad for me to hear about these injustices at Target, one of my fave places to shop...Please read the following email from Interfaith Worker Justice (a very reputable organization that I interned for last summer) and take a minute to sign the petition to Target. Thanks.
Dear Friends of Social Justice,
While at least one "big box" store has been the subject of much attention regarding its community and workplace practices, as people of faith and action we are compelled to ensure that ALL of our country's corporate leaders subscribe to a policy of fairness for their workers.
We're asking you to join us in TAKING ACTION for justice at Target stores, where not all store workers are receiving living wages, access to affordable health care or respect and dignity on the job. Worse than that, most Target store janitors are LOCKED IN overnight, with limited or no emergency escape option.We're asking you to fax a letter to Target management, which can be sent from your computer.
Unfortnuately, Target has a history of worker problems, for example:
Jim's Maintenance janitors in Texas worked mandatory overtime in locked Target stores. When Target cancelled the contract, $150,000 in wages were withheld from the janitors. The janitors have filed a lawsuit against Target.
Wackenhut Security provides security at Target corporate headquarters in the Twin Cities. The company has a growing record of problems that include reports of discrimination, fraud (for $20 million in Miami Dade County alone), falsified training records, excessive overtime, violations of client policies, and retaliation against whistleblowers. Recently, Target cut the pay of security officers by $1.00 per hour, even as Target reported record profits.
(For more information, go to www.eyeonwackenhut.org.)
Excel Building Services cleans Target's California retail locations. Workers at Excel report ongoing violations of local wage and hour laws, as well as federal labor laws. The company was fined by the city of San Francisco and has settled at least one lawsuit for paying substandard wages similar to the wages Target's janitors are now reporting.
Click here to take action.
Thank you and Blessings,
Kim Bobo, Executive Director
Interfaith Worker Justice
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