November 20, 2007

Eat Pork? Please don't eat it from Smithfield

Please see the following notes from If you haven't heard of Smithfield, and especially if you eat pork, I really encourage you to check it out. DON'T WORRY - I'm not telling you to quit pork, simply asking you to choose your pork wisely....thanks!

Give the Gift of Smithfield Justice this Holiday Season!

As Thanksgiving, Hanukkah and Christmas fast approach, take a moment to do something this holiday season to support the men and women who have been fighting through threats, intimidation and brutal working conditions for over a decade to win a voice on the job at Smithfield Foods in Tar Heel, NC.

Choose from these easy ideas to contribute to Smithfield Justice:

1) Treat your family to a Smithfield-free Holiday
>>> Stay away from Smithfield pork products that are packaged with abuse: those with USDA Establishment Code 18079 or 79C correspond to the Tar Heel plant. (Click here to see where to look)

2) Encourage others to have a Smithfield-free Holiday by hand-billing in front of your neighborhood grocery store.
>>>Download flier

3) Send a holiday card encouraging Smithfield workers to keep up the fight!
>>> Cards can be mailed c/o
The Eastern North Carolina Workers Center
3450 Capuano Road
Lumberton, NC 28358

4) Donate money in any amount to the Smithfield Worker Justice Fund!
>>> The Fund is sponsored by Interfaith Worker Justice and all proceeds go directly to Smithfield families in need
Contributions can be made online here.

5) Tell Paula to drop Smithfield!
>>> Celebrity chef Paula Deen has sold her good name to Smithfield Foods to help Smithfield present a wholesome, family-friendly image.
>>> Go to Ask Paula and tell Ms. Deen what you think of her support of Smithfield. Ask her to meet with the suffering workers of Tar Heel!

6) Become a Smithfield Sleuth!
>>> Follow our easy instructions to find out if your grocer carries Smithfield Tar Heel pork. If you find the problem pork, the instructions include an educational letter to your store manager.

These are just a few things you can do this holiday season to help bring peace and justice to Smithfield workers in Tar Heel, NC.

November 17, 2007

Life in November

It's hard to believe that finals are nearly here for me. Quarters are something that will take awhile for me to get used to, I think. My first final is due on Monday. It's for my Sexuality Across the Life Cycle class, which is a great class except for the super-uber anecdotal nature of it. I love stories, but do I seriously need to know the details of the sex lives of all the people in my class?! Do we need to preface every comment by saying "well, I'm straight, but..." or "yeah, I'm gay, but..." Seriously people!

So yes, now it is time to find the motivation to write my 10 page final for this class. The bright side is that once I finish, then I'm finished....the down side....well, I have to write it. duh.

I'm not feelin so hot (cold, cough, Rudolph-lookin face...) plus there's been a lot of stuff happening in my life lately that I don't intend to plaster all over my blog or facebook....but essentially it all adds up to making life and school more difficult. I'm not complaining though....well, maybe I am. I think I can allow myself some weeks of feelin crappy about life, and then get back on the horse in a few weeks right?

On a more exciting note, I played football with LSTC last weekend in Gettysburg, PA and we kicked ass and had an awesome time. brought home the trophy. AND I'm a new Nala, a sweet, mischievous, hungry cat. A friend of ours rescued her, brought her back to health for a month, and now I've had her for about a month. She is convinced we are starving her, although I swear to you we aren't. She also has been known to attack our friend's weiner dog (sorry Hannah!). We have had no squirrel incidents recently, and I thank Nala for that. She's also a total lover - of everything, but especially food and attention. She likes to sleep on my chest right in front of my face. It's also nice when I'm feelin lonely to know that I'm not alone, cuz she's sitting her with me as I write these papers :)

Here's some pics:

LSTC Football Champions!

Nala, chillin with my froggie